Title: Sleeping Beauties
Author: Stephen King and Owen King
Genre: Horror, Fantasy
A mysterious woman shows up in small Appalachian town at the same time as women around the world are being cocooned as soon as they fall asleep. Is this "Evie Black" the source of the webbing? What is happening to the women as they sleep? More importantly, what happens to the men when they attempt to wake them? While the women try everything imaginable to stay awake, the men must determine if Evie is someone, or something, to be protected or destroyed.
The book is long, but it allows for character development and the crisis to progress, so don't let it daunt you. The book also makes you think: is either sex better off in a world by themselves? Supernatural elements not withstanding, it paints a town and a populace that the reader can relate to which makes the goings-on that much more terrible.
The book is long, but it allows for character development and the crisis to progress, so don't let it daunt you. The book also makes you think: is either sex better off in a world by themselves? Supernatural elements not withstanding, it paints a town and a populace that the reader can relate to which makes the goings-on that much more terrible.
- Sarah R.