Friday, April 12, 2019

Unmarriageable by Soniah Kamal

Title: Unmarriageable
Author: Soniah Kamal
Genre: Romance, Retellings

Fans of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, rejoice! Here is a page-turner of a retelling of her beloved classic. Head to India and meet the ill-fated Binat family. Alys Binat is the second of five daughters and she teaches English at the local school. Despite her mother's efforts, she has reached the age of 29 without finding a suitable marriage partner. Her luck and the luck of her sisters may be about to change when the Binats are invited to a prestigious wedding to which eligible bachelors Fahad “Bungles” Bingla and Valentine Darsee are invited... 

- Elizabeth

Check out Unmarriageable @ the library.