Title: Simple Cake: All You Need to Keep Your Friends and Family in Cake
Author: Odette Williams
Genre: Cookbooks, Non-Fiction
Australian by birth, New Yorker by marriage, Odette Williams set out to create a cookbook for making cakes that would pay homage to one that every household seemed to have when she was growing up, the Australian Women's Weekly Children's Birthday Cake Book. Williams was inspired by the simplicity of the book from her childhood and has produced one similarly streamlined in which there are just ten cake recipes and fifteen cake toppings. Using these building blocks, the baker can combine their favorite cake with their chosen topping, or choose to follow one of the recipe variations on either, to create their own masterpiece. Simple Cake encourages a return to baking simplicity and the author advocates for including children in the baking process and baking cakes to nurture important relationships in our lives. The well-tested recipes and the attention to making the baking process easy make this a solid start to any cake baking that you might try.
- Elizabeth