Friday, April 10, 2020

Bunny by Mona Awad

Title: Bunny
Author: Mona Awad
Genre: Horror, Fantasy

MFA student Samantha Mackey is an offbeat outsider at Warren University, who spends all of her time with her wild imagination and her best friend Ava, and avoids the rest of her creative writing cohort at all costs—a quartet of rich, pastel-clad, like, totally spunky girls who all call each other “Bunny” and seem to be more of a creepy amalgamation rather than individual people. After being invited to one of the Bunnies’ get-togethers, curiosity gets the best of her and Samantha finds herself led into the sweet, sugary, ritualistic nightmare world of Bunny friendship.  

Mix together Clueless, Mean Girls, The Craft, and Heathers, add in a dash of gruesome horror and a whole lot of “What did I just read?!”, and you get Bunny. I loved this one.

- Ashley

Check out Bunny @ the library!