Friday, June 19, 2020

Dear Girls by Ali Wong

Title: Dear Girls
Ali Wong
GenreMemoir Humor

When most parents write their children letters, they are full of stories and truths they wish to pass down. When Ali Wong writes letters to her daughters, she leaves nothing out and published it so that we can all read about her life. Dear Girls by Ali Wong is the letter she wished her father had written her before he passed away. Maybe not exactly, but the inspiration came from a letter her father wrote her before he died. It is full of the stories her girls might want to know when they are older, or when she is gone. From growing up, to her rise in the comedy world, to her relationships, everything her children could ever want to know, and then some, is covered in this book. If you are familiar with the comedy of Ali Wong, I don’t have to tell you that the language is rated R, and that there are no topics she won’t discuss. All that aside, this is a loving and laugh out loud funny look at Ali’s life and how she rose to fame.

Check out Dear Girls by Ali Wong @ the library!