Title: The Lost World
Author: Michael Crichton
Genre: Science Fiction
Suspenseful, engaging, and intelligent, this is a book that you won't be able to put down. The Lost World is the sequel to Jurassic Park, and the story picks up a few years after the park was closed. The existence of the park and the dinosaurs that lived there have been kept a government secret, and those who were on the island have also been sworn to secrecy. When mysterious "aberrant forms" are found washing up on shore in Costa Rica, one scientist is convinced a "Lost World" exists, an isolated place where dinosaurs have never gone extinct but are still living. He intends to launch a well-planned expedition to Costa Rica, but because of unforeseen circumstances, he embarks early, and the results are unpredictable.
True to other Crichton novels, you can be sure there won't be a shortage of action, violence, and gore (I mean, this is a dinosaur novel, after all), and Crichton doesn't shy away from realistically killing off his characters. Also like his other novels, Crichton's use of "fiction as fact" is believable and his scientific explanations throughout the book are written accessibly for non-science-minded people (like myself).
The Lost World is masterfully crafted that even someone not infatuated with dinosaurs and scientific theory will be entertained and will find it hard to turn away.
- Sarah P.
Check out The Lost World @ the library.