Title: The Book of Essie
Author: Meghan MacLean Weir
Genre: Domestic Fiction, Realistic Fiction
Esther Anne Hicks is 17, the star of the reality show “Six for Hicks,” the youngest daughter of a pastor and his wife who lead a large congregation, and pregnant. Essie, as she is known, is listening to the conversation where her mother and producers will decide her fate: have her disappear for a few months, give the baby away. Other suggestions are too risky to the family, of course. The one idea that sticks is to have her quickly get married, and hope the baby comes in a time line that makes it seem like a “honeymoon baby.” Knowing she has no real power in this situation, Essie chooses to lead her mother on the last path, having the ideal groom in mind.
Roarke is aware of Essie, as it’s impossible to miss the girl and the cameras, but unlike his friends he has no interest in the famous family. He is surprised when his family quickly rises in favor with the Hicks, realizing this relationship will save his family’s business. Forced time with Essie may not be the worst price to ensure his future.
Liberty Bell is more than just her past, but being famous for opinions online and a tragic past means she has to work twice as hard to prove herself in journalism. When Esther Hicks reaches out to her for an exclusive story, she can’t say no. However, she knows there is more to this calculated story than Essie is giving her.
Three stories strangely intertwine, as the past meets up with the present. Buried family secrets threaten the livelihood of the Hicks family, but is Essie the one who can break through?
Readers who realize everything we see on TV isn’t real, or who watched the Duggar’s TV shows and followed the family scandal will want to pick up this fascinating look at family, and breaking free from expectations.
- Katie
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