Title: The Mars Room
Author: Rachel Kushner
Genre: Fiction
This book was shortlisted for the 2018 Booker Prize for Fiction. It is a gritty, unflinching look at a young stripper, Romy Hall, who is staring down two life sentences at California's Stanville Women's Correctional Facility.
It not only follows her story, but those of key players in her journey so it doesn't just flow from one point of view. These others are like tributaries who influence and impact Romy's life at different times.
As different as the characters' lives are from my own, I found them compelling. The author provides the audiobook narration and she imbues Romy with a resigned sort of deadpan voice that perfectly exemplifies how world-weary the protagonist is and yet there's a hint of a wistful philosopher to her that gives her more dimension.
I would recommend this book to those who like Orange Is the New Black or dramas like Netflix's Jailbirds.
It not only follows her story, but those of key players in her journey so it doesn't just flow from one point of view. These others are like tributaries who influence and impact Romy's life at different times.
As different as the characters' lives are from my own, I found them compelling. The author provides the audiobook narration and she imbues Romy with a resigned sort of deadpan voice that perfectly exemplifies how world-weary the protagonist is and yet there's a hint of a wistful philosopher to her that gives her more dimension.
I would recommend this book to those who like Orange Is the New Black or dramas like Netflix's Jailbirds.
- Sarah R.