Title: We Met in December
Author: Rosie Curtis
Genre: Fiction, Romance
If you're looking for a light, winter read, this book is the one for you. Jess moves into a house in London with four practical strangers. On the first night, she has a connection with Alex, one of her new roommates. Alex recently left his fiancee because she did not support him leaving his nice job as a lawyer in order to study to become a nurse. Jess and Alex connect over walks around the city and coffee at their favorite coffee place...but just as friends.
Told in alternating perspectives, this book will make you root for Jess and Alex to fall in love and get on with their lives together.
- Megan
Check out We Met in December @ the library!
Title: No Judgments
Author: Meg Cabot
Genre: Romance
Bree Beckham fled to Little Bridge Island to avoid her lousy ex-boyfriend and her bossy mom. She's made a life for herself as a waitress at the Mermaid Cafe and is completely devoted to her cat, Gary, the only male in her life that isn't giving her trouble.
- Sarah R.
Check out No Judgments @ the library!
Title: A Corner of White
Author: Jaclyn Moriarty
Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult
The tentative connection, based only on the written letters of two teenagers, between our world and the new world of Cello is intriguing. Because these teens continue to write and share the details of their lives, both begin to gain knowledge of the other world and insight into their own. Although, as the first in a trilogy, this book spends a lot of time on world building, the big reveals at the end have me eager to read more!
- Katrina
Check out A Corner of White @ the library!
Title: Things You Save in a Fire
Author: Katherine Center
Genre: Romance
This book has been nominated as a 2019 Goodreads Choice Awards Finalist for best romance.
Cassie Hanwell is a heck of a fire fighter/paramedic. Her singular focus on being good at her job has helped her cope with past trauma, but when she's presented a valor award in Austin, TX by a ghost from her past, she loses it. The other shoe drops when she's pressured by her dad to move to the Boston area to help her estranged mom. Cassie feels like the life she has so carefully built has gone up in smoke.
The old-school fire fighters in the Massachusettes town where she lands aren't exactly rolling out the red carpet (\kapet\), but they're desperate so they sign on Cassie and another rookie at the same time. One look at newbie Owen and all kinds of alarming alarms go off. As the two are pranked by their new crew and thrown together for training, will Cassie be able to keep the contact professional or will passions ignite?
One thing I really like about this story is how Cassie's character is really good at her job - she isn't adorably bumbling or waiting to be rescued. She's authoritative, strong, and determined.
- Sarah R.
Check out Things You Save in a Fire @ the library!