Title: Spoiler Alert
Author: Olivia Dade
Genre: Romance
Based on a series of fantasy books, the series "Gods of the Gates" is finally coming to an end. Actor Marcus Castor-Rupp is ready to move on, but after years of playing the affectionate dumb actor will he be able to be himself, or will he need to keep playing the smiling pretty boy? The place he feels most comfortable is in the world of fan fiction, where he is able to express his opinions about his show character under the name, Book!AeneasWouldNever (BAWN), away from the watchful eye of show executives.
April Whittier is ready to move on from a fast paced consulting job, to a less paying but better civil service job testing field sites for soil contamination. If there’s something she loves more than finding out what’s beneath the soil, it’s the world of fan-fiction around "God of the Gates", the books, the show, and the mythology she loves.
As UnapologeticLaviniaStan, April rules the fan forums, but her best online friend is Book!AeneasWouldNever. With her new job, April is ready to be her true self, and hopefully meet up with her online friends, and maybe start something with BAWN.
When April posts her Lavinia cosplay picture online she gathers a lot of attention, not all positive. Marcus sees the picture, and asks her out, thinking a lucky fan will get the date of a lifetime. What he doesn’t expect is that April is UnapologeticLaviniaStan, the woman he feels the most connected to online. Not wanting to out himself as BAWN, he quickly shuts down his fan account, and hopes to connect to April in real life. Of course, it’s hard to not admit how he knows so much about April, and the longer he hides who he really is, the harder it is to tell her.
A fan fiction writers dream, Spoiler Alert is for anyone who has ever wondered, what would it be like for my favorite actor to fall in love with me, just as I am? Fans of romance will appreciate the steamy scenes between the characters, and if you’ve ever complained about how a TV or movie series ended, you will love the way the characters write their own versions of the story.
- Katie
Check out Spoiler Alert by Olivia Dade @ the library!