Title: Creepy Cat
Author: Cotton Valent
Genre: Manga
Soon after Flora moves into the mansion she inherited from a
distant relative, she discovers that she is not alone – a white cat lives there
as well. Flora can tell that there’s something different about this cat,
something creepy. But he’s so soft and floofy that she can’t help but be his
When Creepy Cat goes missing, local policeman Oscar takes it
upon himself to find him. He is hoping to impress Flora, who doesn’t remember
him from school. Bu t Flora rebuffs him, and Creepy Cat returns home of his own
Then one night Creepy Cat gets stuck in a box, and when Flora
tries to pull him out he just stretches, and keeps on stretching. When the vet
won’t help, Flora calls Oscar, who rushes over to the mansion. Once there, Oscar
sees something that proves just how much Creepy Cat lives up to his name.
Read this gothic comedy if you like things both cute and strange.
- Desirae
Check out Creepy Cat by Cotton Valent @ the library!