Title: The Witch Elm
Author: Tana French
Genre: Mystery
Tana French's novel, The Witch Elm, focuses on a young man named Toby, an easy-going, fairly lucky, Teflon kind-of-guy -- nothing bad sticks. Then his luck changes in a bad way: a break-in at his apartment, a brutal beating, and the news that his favorite uncle has cancer. Toby decides to move into the family's ancestral home with Uncle Hugo to keep an eye on him and hopefully recover some himself as his memory is spotty and his healing is slow. Then a body is found. The cops are asking questions while Toby is asking himself if a murder lurks in the gaps of his history.
I experienced this story as an audiobook and the narrator, Paul Nugent, gives the story added depth and a lovely Irish accent to the tale.
I experienced this story as an audiobook and the narrator, Paul Nugent, gives the story added depth and a lovely Irish accent to the tale.
- Sarah R.