Title: Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking
Author: Susan Cain
Genre: General Non-Fiction
Living in a society that clearly promotes being outgoing and extroverted, it can be hard for us to see the value of an introverted nature. Susan Cain and her extensively researched book make a point to demonstrate that though there are differences between the two styles, there isn't necessarily a better one to be. Knowing which you are, and yes, you can have elements of both, can help you to a better, healthier life and more fulfilled relationships with others.
I appreciated the many accessible examples provided in this book and the occasional self-tests to help determine where I fell on the spectrum of introversion-extroversion. Additionally, this book helped me comprehend the basis for various sensitivities and the reasons for some behaviors. I think this is a good book for anyone looking to better understand themselves and those around them.
- Sarah R.
Check out Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking @ the library!