Title: Aladdin: A New Translation
Author: Yasmine Seale (Translator)
Genre: Fantasy, Folklore, Translation
I thoroughly enjoyed this short, quick read! I had never read the original story of Aladdin, nor did I know anything about its origin in general. It was actually first recorded on paper in French, based on an oral story told by a Syrian in the 1700s. The story really isn't much like Disney's Aladdin at all; for one, it's actually set in China. And no, there aren't 3 wishes or a pet tiger. Or a flying carpet. But there is a lot of magic! I found the story to read very much like an old folk tale. At only 115 pages with modern, understandable language, it's easy to digest as well. I highly recommend this, especially if you're in a reading slump!
Also, if you're interested in more fascinating background knowledge, check out this interview from Publisher's Weekly with Yasmine Seale, the French-Syrian who translated this tale into English. Seale is in the process of translating all of The Arabian Nights, of which Aladdin is a part.
- Sarah P.
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