Title: Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup
Author: John Carreyrou
Genre: Non-fiction, True Crime
Have you ever heard of Elizabeth Holmes? How about Theranos? They both were poised to revolutionize the healthcare world with blood diagnostic machines that could run lots of tests on just a drop or two of blood. The idea was that they could provide quick and accurate results to help people manage their health and thereby avoid serious illness or at least catch it in time. Sounds almost too good to be true...
Follow the meteoric rise of this silicon valley startup, its big-name investors, its cloak and dagger treatment of employees, and its eventual exposure at the hands of a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter.
-Sarah R.
Check out Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup by John Carreyrou @ the library!
Have you ever heard of Elizabeth Holmes? How about Theranos? They both were poised to revolutionize the healthcare world with blood diagnostic machines that could run lots of tests on just a drop or two of blood. The idea was that they could provide quick and accurate results to help people manage their health and thereby avoid serious illness or at least catch it in time. Sounds almost too good to be true...
Follow the meteoric rise of this silicon valley startup, its big-name investors, its cloak and dagger treatment of employees, and its eventual exposure at the hands of a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter.
-Sarah R.
Check out Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup by John Carreyrou @ the library!