Title: The Giver of Stars
Author: Jojo Moyes
Genre: Historical Fiction
This book is inspired by an actual group of women who in 1935 signed up to become the first librarians of Roosevelt's Pack Horse Library Project in the rural hills of eastern Kentucky. As you quickly learn, this was no easy job and it was absolutely fascinating to learn of these brave, strong, gutsy women and their back-breaking, often perilous attempts to deliver books & magazines to the isolated, impoverished, and often illiterate men, women and children in the remote hills of the Appalachian mountains. Everything that makes a great book is included in this compelling story: friendship, hardship, romance, adventure and purpose. The author has a wonderful ability to create believable characters that you come to know, love and/or loathe. I thoroughly enjoyed this very readable book and give it my highest recommendation!
- Karen
Check out The Giver of Stars by Jojo Moyes @ the library!