Title: The Grace Year
Author: Kim Liggett
Genre: Young Adult
In this dystopian YA tale, all the girls in Garner Country must take part in The Grace Year. However, no one is allowed to talk about it or what happens during it. All they know is that the girls leave the village for a year with their magic and return without it, ready for marriage...if they return at all. 16 year old Tierney wants a life where she isn't someone's property and where the girls aren't always pitting themselves against each other. When it's time for her Grace Year, she realizes that what she was told to fear isn't what she should actually fear.
This book felt like the perfect combination of The Handmaid's Tale and The Salem Witch Trials. There's suspense, fear, survival, and female empowerment all rolled up into one amazing book. Easily the best book I've read this year!
This book felt like the perfect combination of The Handmaid's Tale and The Salem Witch Trials. There's suspense, fear, survival, and female empowerment all rolled up into one amazing book. Easily the best book I've read this year!
- Megan
Check out The Grace Year by Kim Liggett @ the library!