Friday, April 30, 2021

My Eyes Are Up Here by Laura Zimmermann

Title: My Eyes Are Up Here

Author: Laura Zimmermann

Genre: Contemporary Fiction, Young Adult 

Greer Walsh lives mostly in her head. She remembers a time where she was normal, and didn’t need to hide, safe with her friends and being the smart girl. There was a time her life was more than XXL men’s t-shirts and sweatshirts, and coming home from school didn’t mean lying flat on her back braless to enjoy a moment of relief from just standing and walking and trying to control something she didn’t want or ask for.

In fact, from meeting a cute new boy, to making the JV Volleyball team, everything seems to be marred by her desire to hide what is really there, two large breasts that seemingly came from nowhere.

My Eyes are Up Here by Laura Zimmermann is one of those light books that packs a punch when it comes to a strong message. Greer is a fun character who is truly living in her head. Her fear of people looking at her breasts and not noticing her brain or anything else about her does keep her from enjoying life.

This is a Young Adult book, and it is a book I wish was around when I was a teen. I don’t want to spoil it too much, but the struggle with body acceptance is very genuine, and the place Greer ends up at the end of the book is very inspiring, even for this adult reader.

My Eyes are Up Here is for anyone who wishes their body was different, and knows that people are always defined by more than one thing.

- Katie

Check out My Eyes Are Up Here by Laura Zimmermann @ the library!