Title: Mirrorland
Author: Carole Johnstone
Genre: Fiction
Cat hasn’t seen her childhood home in Edinburgh in twenty years, and has no desire to leave L.A. and go back. Her estranged twin sister, El, never left Edinburgh and ends up returning to the house and buying it as an adult. She lives there with her husband, Ross. When El goes missing while out on her sailboat, a devastated Ross begs for Cat to return to Edinburgh. Cat obliges but is disturbed to find that the house is almost entirely unchanged from when she and her sister lived there as children.
Ross is hysterical, but Cat doesn’t actually think her sister is in peril. She thinks that everything El does is for attention, including pulling this disappearing act. Cat believes her suspicions are confirmed when she starts receiving emails from an unknown sender that lead her on a treasure hunt all through the house. As Cat uncovers each clue, she recalls more and more of her childhood, including the imaginary world she and her sister created under the pantry stairs: Mirrorland.
This book has aptly been compared to Gone Girl, and the dark themes reminded me of Stephen King. But
Carole Johnstone has created something unique with Mirrorland; it is haunting, atmospheric, and full of twists I didn’t
see coming.
- Desirae
Check out Mirrorland by Carole Johnstone @ the library!