Title: The Personal Librarian
Author: Marie Benedict and Victoria Christopher Murray
Genre: Historical Fiction
The Personal Librarian is a fictionalized telling of the life of J.P. Morgan's real-life librarian, Belle da Costa Greene. Greene curates Morgan's collection of rare manuscripts, books, and artwork, and in the process becomes one of the New York art world's most well-respected and powerful selectors and negotiators. She does this all while keeping a secret, a secret that if it ever got out would end not only her career, but that of her family's as well. Belle da Costa Greene was born Belle Marion Greener, and she, her mother, and siblings are a fair skinned Black family passing as white.
Librarians are usually eager to read any story about our profession but knowing that Belle da Costa Greene was a real librarian who rose to the top of the profession made this one particularly interesting. The book includes both Historical Notes and Authors' Notes that further explain fact from fiction in this extraordinary story.
- Beth
Check out The Personal Librarian by Marie Benedict and Victoria Christopher Murray @ the library!