Title: Close Enough to Touch
Author: Colleen Oakley
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Are you someone who is still waiting for this pandemic to end to "go back to normal"? This story is about a woman who is unable to be touched by anyone, and thus stays isolated from the rest of the world. But this isn't a temporary situation, and there's no hope to "go back to normal," as she is allergic to a protein in other people's DNA that isn't present in her own. She was diagnosed as a child, and now lives by herself, mostly conducting her life online or through the occasional phone call. But the circumstances change, and she is forced to leave her own bubble and experience the outside world again. It is a difficult process, but she suddenly lives a life that is filled with much more adventure, love - and danger! - than she had ever imagined. Is it worth it?
- Katrina
Check out Close Enough to Touch by Colleen Oakley @ the library!