Title: The Every
Author: Dave Eggers
Genre: Fiction
Stop! Before you read this sequel, grab the first book in the series, "The Circle"! The Every continues the story set forth in The Circle, where civilization is in a hyper social media state. Every move is recorded and it really showcases the dark side of social media. The Every shows the next levels of the world we see in The Circle, a highly scrutinized public realm with few chances for the characters to go unmonitored. This book, like The Circle, is both funny and horrifying at times and really forces you to look at your own relationship with social media and privacy. You will root for the main character throughout, but can she really stop all the dominoes from toppling? Read it and find out (then think about how you can lessen the grip of technology in your life)!
- Jamie
Check out The Every by Dave Eggers @ the library!