Friday, July 1, 2022

Ticket to Ride by Larry Kane

Title: Ticket to Ride: Inside the Beatles' 1964 and 1965 Tours That Changed the World

Author: Larry Kane

GenreNonfiction Music Biography

Ride along with The Beatles as they head out for their first U.S. tours. You'll get not only a look into the touring life of musicians, but also see how a tour of this magnitude was put together back when large concert tours were really first beginning. Author Larry Kane was one of the "official journalists" on tour with the Beatles, so he was trusted to be the go-between in some cases between the Beatles and the Media, reporting to not only his home newspaper and radio station but also many across the nation. A really interesting read for any 60s music fan, as the book also talks about the many excellent opening acts the Beatles took with them on the road in those two years.

- Jamie

Check out Ticket to Ride by Larry Kane @ the library!