Title: The Great Alone
Author: Kristin Hannah
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Set in 1970s Alaska, this story is a unique exploration of the pioneering spirit set in a world many of us recognize. This isn't the 1840s, in a world that is so different from our own that it is tricky to imagine ourselves inside of it. Leni and her parents leave a world with TVs and electricity, indoor plumbing and refrigerators, and head to a property so remote that you need boat or air access to get there. Only 13 when she arrives, Leni finds a world different than what she has known. But she learns skills she never imagined she would need, while facing some family secrets - and scary relationships - that force her to redefine what love means. This is a world on the edge of the wild places where few venture, filled with dangers both unknown and so familiar that we all would struggle with questions over how to overcome them. Come explore a community where everyone relies on their neighbor for their very survival, and dark secrets can take a while to come to light.
- Katrina
Check out The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah @ the library!