Title: Scythe
Author: Neal Shusterman
Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult
In a world where people have overcome death through mastery of resurrecting people no matter how they may have died, the world changes in many ways. Age becomes a number. They develop a way to "reset" people so that they can look the age that they want to, even hundreds of years in. Family structure is different, as parents can have generations of their own children. But this also leads to a population explosion, so society realizes that death is still necessary, even if they know how to over come it. Scythes are chosen who are given the task of killing people according to the statistics of how often people died in past societies. Can you imagine being chosen, as a teen, to be the one to kill people for the rest of your life? Even worse, in this story, two teens are chosen to be trained for a singular position, forcing them to compete for a job neither of them are convinced they want! But when death is what your are training in, and death awaits the loser, it is pretty good motivation to excel no matter the cost.
- Katrina
Check out Scythe by Neal Shusterman @ the library!