Title: Because of Mr. Terupt
Author: Rob Buyea
Genre: Midde Grade Fiction, School Stories
Hopefully everyone has at least one memorable teacher from their time spent in school. This fifth-grade class has just met theirs! Mr. Terupt immediately brings challenges and projects for his students to explore, but also helps students learn the powerful lessons about being a good friend, a trustworthy person, and a kind classmate. Told from the points of view of 7 different students, as each take over the story for a chapter, this story explores how the students grow, learn, and expand their own worldviews over the course of a year. But what happens when their time with Mr. Terupt is cut short, abruptly and unexpectedly? Does he still have things to teach them even when he is no longer the person at the front of their classroom?
- Katrina
Check out Because of Mr. Terupt by Rob Buyea @ the library!