Title: The Inheritance of Orquídea Divina
Author: Zoraida Córdova
Genre: Magical Realism; Contemporary Fiction
Orquídea has always been a mysterious type of person, someone whom even her children and grandchildren don't truly know much about in many ways. However, she has always demonstrated how important family is to her, and raised her children knowing that family is something that you prioritize and that you treasure. When she writes all of the far-flung members of her own family to tell them that her time of death is near, all are told to come and get their inheritance. They arrive to find that Orquídea's magic has barred all from entering her home, growing thorns and vines around to prevent those who arrive and knock. Finally, one of her granddaughters goes up and asks the door for entrance, and they are all able to see Orquídea, nearly rooted to the floor in the entranceway, visibly turning into a tree. This is just the start of what is quite a story, involving magic, a living fallen star, ghosts, and circuses!
- Katrina
Check out The Inheritance of Orquídea Divina by Zoraida Córdova @ the library!