Title: Kiss the Girl
Author: Zoraida Córdova
Genre: Romance
Ariel del Mar is ready to step away from the limelight
and take a break after her last concert as one of the Siren Seven. With the
promise of a year off, Ariel walks off the stage, and into another opportunity
presented by her father, a solo career. Seeking any kind of normal life, Ariel
sneaks out with her sisters to a concert by an up and coming band, and runs
into dreamy lead singer Eric Reyes.
Eric Reyes’ band is about to hit big, and
when he runs into the girl of his dreams. He only knows her as Melody, and
offers her a job on his tour. His band is everything, and he promises the rest
of the crew that he won’t “Eric Reyes” it up, and break this girl’s heart.
modern musical retelling of the Little Mermaid, this book will have romance
readers cheering Ariel/ Melody to find her voice, and for Eric to realize what
is in front of him.
- Katie
Check out Kiss the Girl by Zoraida Córdova @ the library!