Title: Counting the Cost
Author: Jill Duggar
Genre: Memoir
This was an interesting recounting of a specific, rather
unique, story of a child growing up - but what I found fascinating is the
universality that was captured in this story.
Jill Duggar spent many of her teenage years on her family's reality television
show. Her parents garnered the public interest with their very large family
(currently 19 kids) and saw their fame as a chance to spread their own views on
raising children and families under rather more strict conservative Christian
ideals than are commonly followed in America. It was a chance for the public to
see something a little unusual, but it also exposed their family to a world
full of ideas and ideals that the children - especially the girls - had been
very sheltered from.
- Katrina
Check out Counting the Cost by Jill Duggar @ the library!