Friday, August 9, 2024

One Dark Window by Rachel Gillig


Title: One Dark Window
Author: Rachel Gillig
Genre: Fantasy; Dystopia

Elspeth Spindle should not still be alive. In her society, anyone who catches a specific disease has a tendency to develop magical abilities, and magic is forbidden in this society. Her father hid her and kept her safe...but in order to do so, he shipped her off to live with her aunt and uncle in the country, where she could be more easily sheltered and kept from society's prying eyes.

Elspeth has another entity trapped in her head, known as The Nightmare. It's a peculiar type of magic, and has brought her to the attention of the king's cousin who needs her help. But in order to help, Elspeth will have to share many of her long-protected secrets, and has to decide - is this the cause, and the person, who is worth the risk?

- Katrina

Check out One Dark Window by Rachel Gillig @ the library!