Friday, April 19, 2019

It's Kind of a Funny Story by Ned Vizzini

Title: It's Kind of a Funny Story
Author: Ned Vizzini
Genera: Realistic Fiction

Craig is depressed.

Craig has a normal life. He has friends and a supportive family. He got into an exclusive high school, and now feels like he can't keep up. That's why he needs to hide in the bathroom at parties. That's why he sees a shrink. That's why he takes Zoloft.

But it's still hard.

Sometimes he can't eat, it just comes back up. Sometimes he can't get out of bed to do the things he needs to do, he just lays there. Sometimes he doesn't know how to say how he feels, or that there are tentacles pulling him down. Sometimes he wonders what it might be like to end it all.

The night he plans on going through with it, he finds the number for a hotline. The woman on the other end encourages him to check into a hospital to get the help he needs. That's how he ends up at North 6, with the other people how need to be observed before they can go back to a more normal life. With the help of the other residents of North 6, as well as his family and medical professionals, Craig finds out that life is really worth living. No matter what was bringing him down before, there is a reason for him to be alive.

As part of Mental Health Awareness Month, It's Kind of A Funny Story by Ned Vizzini is going to be part of a Community Read. You are invited to read the book and join us in a variety of programs making our communities mental health an issue we discuss. Craig's story give us a glimpse into the workings of a depressed mind, and raises understating about mental health issues.

There will be events surrounding the book throughout the month of May, so check out the our website over at: A community book discussion will be held on May 18th at 10 AM over at City Hall, and copies of the book will be available throughout West Allis at little free libraries, in addition to the copies the library has for check out.

If you are having suicidal thoughts, please do not hesitate to call the National Hopeline at 1-800-784-2433. Help is always available and your life is worth living.

-Katie H

Check out It's Kind of a Funny Story @ the library.