Title: The Rosie Project
Author: Graeme Simsion
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Genetics professor, Don Tillman, has decided he wants to get married. Being of a scientific mind, he has decided to create a test to narrow down his dating pool to an acceptable puddle of women.
Bartender Rosie is desperate to find her dad, but with her secretive mother deceased, it seems like she will never know the answer to her lifelong question.
When these two collide, Don decides that he will help Rosie with her "Father Project." Will these two discover who Rosie's father really is and is that all they'll find when all is said and done? Read The Rosie Project to learn more.
Bartender Rosie is desperate to find her dad, but with her secretive mother deceased, it seems like she will never know the answer to her lifelong question.
When these two collide, Don decides that he will help Rosie with her "Father Project." Will these two discover who Rosie's father really is and is that all they'll find when all is said and done? Read The Rosie Project to learn more.
- Sarah R.