Title: Once Upon a River
Author: Diane Setterfield
Genre: Historical Fiction, Mystery, Thriller
Once Upon a River is set on the Thames back when the river was a primary means of travel and inns along its banks were the center of their communities.
The Swan was known for its storytelling and one dark night a tale landed right on their doorstep. The mystery begins with a wounded man carrying a drowned girl. It continues when the man passes out, the girl miraculously awakes, and all who meet her are ready to claim her as their own.
A feat of good storytelling in itself, this book offers an extensive group of townspeople who are introduced and interconnected skillfully, flowing together like the river that runs through it.
Juliet Stevenson does a fantastic job voicing the audio book version for those of you who'd like to hear the telling of a story within a story.
The Swan was known for its storytelling and one dark night a tale landed right on their doorstep. The mystery begins with a wounded man carrying a drowned girl. It continues when the man passes out, the girl miraculously awakes, and all who meet her are ready to claim her as their own.
A feat of good storytelling in itself, this book offers an extensive group of townspeople who are introduced and interconnected skillfully, flowing together like the river that runs through it.
Juliet Stevenson does a fantastic job voicing the audio book version for those of you who'd like to hear the telling of a story within a story.
- Sarah R.