Friday, July 5, 2019

Red, White, and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston

Title: Red, White, and Royal Blue
Author: Casey McQuiston
Genre: Romance, Contemporary

If you're looking for a sweet love story with a political twist, this is the perfect book for you. When the son of the first female U.S. president, Alex, realizes he's falling for with the young Prince of England, Henry, they begin their relationship in secret. They send emails and texts and struggle to find time to be together without the world finding out. But as all good stories go, this doesn't last for long and they begin to deal with the personal and political problems of being young world leaders in different countries falling in love. In the acknowledgements, McQuiston writes, "What I hoped to do, and what I hope I have done with this book by the time you've finished it, my dear reader, is to be a spark of joy and the hope you needed." This book did exactly that.

- Megan

Check out Red, White, and Royal Blue @ the library.