Title: A Curious Mind: The Secret to a Bigger Life
Author: Brian Grazer and Charles Fishman
Genre: Non-Fiction, Self-Help, Motivational
Movie producer Brian Grazer (A Beautiful Mind, Splash, Backdraft, Apollo 13) talks about the many times that curiosity has propelled him along in both finding his career and furthering it. The names dropped, and there are many, are some of the tippy top of lists everywhere: Oprah, Jonas Salk, Isaac Asimov, and more.
Grazer also talks about different types of curiosity, when to engage them, and when to turn it off. In this Golden Age of Curiosity, he feels that those who ask have a better-than-ever opportunity to find their answers.
While I didn't end up in love with this book, I did find it a good reminder that simple curiosity can take you places that maybe you never anticipated going.
Grazer also talks about different types of curiosity, when to engage them, and when to turn it off. In this Golden Age of Curiosity, he feels that those who ask have a better-than-ever opportunity to find their answers.
While I didn't end up in love with this book, I did find it a good reminder that simple curiosity can take you places that maybe you never anticipated going.
- Sarah R.