Title: The Book of Help: A Memoir in Remedies
Author: Megan Griswold
Genre: Memoir, Self-Help
The Book of Help is an interesting memoir, written by a woman who has tried nearly every alternative treatment available. Author Megan Griswold reflects on the self-help seminars she's been attending since she was a child, traveling to South America and finding love in the process, and experimenting with pretty much everything under the sun to find herself.
The book reminded me a bit of Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert, but it has a unique format. I wasn't sure what to expect wen I picked up this book, but Griswold's story is interesting and her tales are varied. She writes in short chapters that make it easy to start and stop the book as you wish. You'll learn a lot about different methods of treating pain (both physical and emotional), and watch Griswold's growth to adulthood.
- Jamie