Title: Born Standing Up: A Comic's Life
Author: Steve Martin
Genre: Autobiography, Memoir, Non-Fiction
Did you know that Steve Martin performed stand-up comedy before he was in such films as The Jerk, Parenthood, and Father of the Bride? This autobiography of his stand-up years will share the path that Steve took to stardom that include stops at Disneyland, Knott's Berry Farm, The Smother's Brothers Comedy Hour, and later, Saturday Night Live. Between these big names, he played a lot of small venues, worked on honing his craft, and endeavored to be an original voice on stage.
Included are some of his jokes, but really this is more about his journey, so if you're hoping for a comedy album, look for "Let's Get Small" or "Wild and Crazy Guy." This recount is more serious including topics such as difficulties connecting with his father, the loneliness of a life on the road, and the pressure to be "on" all the time.
- Sarah R.
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