Friday, March 6, 2020

What Rose Forgot by Nevada Barr

TitleWhat Rose Forgot
Author: Nevada Barr
Genre: Fiction, Mystery

Imagine waking up and not knowing where you're at or why you're in a hospital gown. 

That's what happens to Rose after she's had a bout of the flu. She's been committed to a ward for dementia patients in an upscale nursing home. As her lucidity reinstates itself, she figures she'll have to make a break for it to figure out how she landed there. 

What follows is part mystery, part action/adventure, and part comedy of errors involving Rose, her granddaughter, Rose's sister, and a string of hired drivers. Will Rose get to the bottom of her own mystery? What else will she discover along the way?

I have always enjoyed Nevada Barr's writing - in particular her Anna Pigeon mysteries - so it is no surprise that I enjoyed this book as well. Nevada does "spunky" women leads well. 

- Sarah R.

Check out What Rose Forgot @ the library!