Title: Mexican Gothic
Author: Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Genre: Gothic Horror, Mystery
Mexican Gothic is a very moody and dark novel, suspenseful and a little spooky. It does contain some horror-genre elements, so be aware of that too. Main character Noemi receives a strange and erratic letter from her cousin Catalina, so she heads out to Catalina's husband's estate to check things out. Set in the 1950s in a small town in Mexico, the book's setting is fantastic, full of atmosphere and just the right amount of fog.
Strange things begin to happen to Noemi, and Catalina's new family is utterly bizarre, with very specific rules to follow while she is visiting. The book moves along as a standard psychological thriller might, but then about two thirds of the way in it gets really, really odd (don't say I didn't warn you!) but odd in a way that compels you to keep reading! Needless to say, this ends up being one really weird book, but in a very unique way. The perfect novel to dig into this fall or winter when you could use a change of scenery, even if that scenery is nightmarish!
- Jamie
Check out Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia @ the library!