Title: Weetzie Bat
Author: Francesca Lia Block
Genre: Young Adult, Surrealism
"Weetzie Bat" by Francesca Lia Block is a well-loved YA cult-classic that you've probably heard of only in passing, if at all. Following the story of Weetzie Bat herself, who is gifted a genie's lamp by her friend Dirk's grandmother before she dies, Weetzie makes three wishes that come true in quick succession: having a safe place in the world to call her own, a love, or "Duck" for her friend Dirk, and a Secret-Agent-Lover-Man for herself.
I would say, based on the material of this book, that it's far better suited to mature adolescents in their late teens and early twenties, but nonetheless a dreamy and evocative read that can easily be digested in one sitting.
- Adam
Check out Weetzie Bat by Francesca Lia Block @ the library!