Title: Dash and Lily's Book of Dares
Author: Rachel Cohn and David Levithan
Genre: Young Adult, Romance, Holiday
In this holiday meet-cute by authors David Levithan and Rachel Cohn, pessimistic, Christmas curmudgeon Dash (short for Dashiel) and holiday hype-queen Lily meet through a "book of dares" she strategically places in the Salinger section of the Strand bookstore in New York. With the help of various extended family members, Dash and Lily exchange their book of dares, each time adding a new entry, and getting to know each other only through their words, and their respective holiday thoughts, anxieties and dreams.
With a couple of surprise turns, as narrated in Levithan and Cohn's typical camp and melodrama style, this book is sure to bring a smile, even to the Dashiels of the world. Witty, smart, and fun, this Rudolph romp was recently turned into a Netflix miniseries, and also possesses two sequels, The Twelve Days of Dash & Lily and Mind the Gap, Dash & Lily, which all provide hours of NYC holiday cheer, enchantment, and humor for the hearthside reader- even if, like most New Yorkers (except for Lily's eccentric great-aunt) we Milwaukeeans must instead settle for a space heater and hot chocolate as we revel in the trials, tears, and triumphs of first love in an urban wonderland. But a boy can dream- and Dash and Lily's adventures give much to dream about.
- Adam
Check out Dash and Lily's Book of Dares by Sarah Cohn and David Levithan @ the library!