Title: The Love Study
Author: Kris Ripper
Genre: Contemporary LGBTQ+
Declan has a reputation of being a bit of a commitment-phobe: he doesn't want to be anything but a temp worker and he left his last boyfriend at the altar. When he meets Sidney, he's willing to put that aside and try to know them better.
Sidney, known to their YouTube fans as Your Spinster Uncle, decides to work with Declan to delve deeper into the current dating sphere. People contact Sidney, a date with Declan is set up, and after the date Declan gives his impressions for The Love Study. As one might expect, Declan and Sidney start having chemistry of their own.
I loved the conversational tone of this book - the reactions and friend-interactions are so genuine and relatable - even if you aren't LGBTQ+. It did take me a bit to get used to the they/them designation for the flow reading-wise, but it is an enjoyable story and worth it.
- Sarah R.
Check out The Love Study by Kris Ripper @ the library!