Title: Black Tudors: The Untold Story
Author: Miranda Kaufmann
Genre: History
I love history, and sometimes it feels like I've read everything about the Tudor period. This book, however, reveals the rich and somewhat hidden story of Black people in Tudor England. Contrary to popular belief and depiction in fiction/media, Black people had a thriving community and presence in Tudor England. It's really fascinating, especially given Brexit and conversations around what is truly "English" to read about the long history of immigrants and their various roles in England. It's also fascinating to read about the connections between race, religion, and social acceptance; this echoed things I learned about only as an adult from reading "Stamped From the Beginning" by Ibram X. Kendi. A great read for anyone interested in history, especially Tudor history, and a surprisingly relevant way to engage with current debates on citizenship and belonging.
- Meagan
Check out Black Tudors: The Untold Story by Miranda Kaufmann @ the library!