Title: Rick
Author: Alex Gino
Genre: Children's Fiction
Discovering that you are not the only person who does something, feels something, or reacts in some way is part of the experiences that make us realize that we are part of a larger group, part of humanity. There is a sense of magic that is an integral part of learning a new word to describe yourself, or to describe how you are feeling.
This is never more true than in middle school, as you are exploring your own identity, and forming your own sense of self outside of who you have always been told you are. Rick is just starting his time in middle school, and as he quietly joins the Rainbow group that meets after school, he learns that there are more words to describe people than gay, straight, and lesbian - and begins to realize where he might fit in, himself.
This is never more true than in middle school, as you are exploring your own identity, and forming your own sense of self outside of who you have always been told you are. Rick is just starting his time in middle school, and as he quietly joins the Rainbow group that meets after school, he learns that there are more words to describe people than gay, straight, and lesbian - and begins to realize where he might fit in, himself.
- Katrina
Check out Rick by Alex Gino @ the library!