Title: Everything's Fine
Author: Cecilia Rabess
Genre: Fiction; Romance; Politics; Identity
Author: Cecilia Rabess
Genre: Fiction; Romance; Politics; Identity
Jess is a young Black woman starting her finance career at Goldman Sachs. She discovers that one of her new colleagues, Josh, is an old classmate from college. She remembers him most for the heated discussions they would have in a legal course. As their relationship transforms, Jess learns more about who she really is verses who she has always believed she should be. She considers how often being the only Black face in a room has shaped her life. Josh has lived a very different experience - being a white man from a privileged community in Connecticut. “Everything Is Fine” explores what it means to have difficult conversations (and make difficult decisions) with those you love when you don’t share the same perspective.
- Tiffany
Check out Everything's Fine by Cecilia Rabess @ the library!