Title: Lessons from Lucy: The Simple Joys of an Old, Happy Dog
Author: Dave Barry
Genre: Humor, Self-Help
If you're looking for a light-hearted*, but enjoyable read, this is your book. With Dave Barry's consummate panache he is able to marry laughs and lessons in this book about being more like his dog. With topics like being in the moment and letting things go, it is full of good reminders for us - though easier said than done (at least for me).
*If all you want is the lighter, feel-good bits, don't read the last chapter to his book about his daughter's run in with transverse myelitis. That will make you cry - especially if you've borrowed the audio book and can hear him choking up as he tells the story about his daughter woke up paralyzed one day. It is well done, but nothing to laugh about.
*If all you want is the lighter, feel-good bits, don't read the last chapter to his book about his daughter's run in with transverse myelitis. That will make you cry - especially if you've borrowed the audio book and can hear him choking up as he tells the story about his daughter woke up paralyzed one day. It is well done, but nothing to laugh about.
- Sarah R.