Title: The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle
Author: Stuart Turton
Genre: Mystery, Thriller
The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evenlyn Hardcastle is a fast-paced murder mystery with a lot of twists. Written in first person, our protagonist finds himself as a guest at a large party at a secluded mansion. When he first wakes up, he doesn't know who he is or what is going on. The next day, he wakes up and discovers that he is a different guest at the party, and it's still the same day as yesterday. He soon learns that Evelyn Hardcastle, the person for whom the party is thrown, was murdered at 11 PM, and if he wants to get out of this house and return home (to whoever he really is - he doesn't quite remember) then he needs to solve the murder by the end of the night and he only has a total of 8 "days" to do so. There is an intriguing time travel element involved (but not typical sci fi time travel, so don't let that deter you)! There is also a lot of murder (which sometimes is a bit scary, but I'm no horror fan so if I can handle it, so can you!). I'd recommend picking it up!
- Sarah P.