Title: The Island of Sea Women
Author: Lisa See
Genre: Historical Fiction
The Island of Sea Women tells a fictionalized story of the haenyeo living in Korea. The haenyeo are women sea divers who dive with only the power of their lungs, harvesting sea life to sell for profit to support their families. The tale starts with a Korea at peace, weaves its way through two world wars, and finished in nearly present day. The story is typical for author Lisa See, following friendship as it wears through the ages, families through generations, and how the two interact and influence each other. See also does a great job in this novel, and her others, of spotlighting historical cultures that are not well known. Fans of historical fiction will enjoy this read. (For more interesting information, I recommend searching "haenyeo" on the internet! I knew little to nothing about haenyeo before reading this book and found their history completely fascinating.)
- Jamie