Title: Love & Gelato
Author: Jenna Evans Welch
Genre: Young Adult; Contemporary Fiction
There are plenty of tales about those who travel to some exotic and/or historic locale in order to find themselves. That is distinctly NOT on Lina's mind as she arrives in Italy, keeping a promise made to her mother. Instead, she is lost, trying to figure out how to finish her teenage years without her mother, and wondering why her mother never bothered to mention that the man she asked Lina to stay with in Italy after she was gone also just happened to be her father. But just because it wasn't Lina's goal, that doesn't mean that discovering who she is and where she belongs isn't going to happen anyway on this journey! Pick up the book and join the discovery - and if you enjoy this one, the author has similar books set in Ireland and Greece, as well!
- Katrina
Check out Love & Gelato by Jenna Evans Welch @ the library!