Title: The Vanderbeekers of 141st Street
Author: Karina Yan Glaser
Genre: Children's Fiction
The Vanderbeeker kids can't imagine living anywhere else than their beloved apartment. When they discover that their landlord has refused to renew their lease, which will force them to leave, they quickly decide that it is up to the five of them to show their landlord how important it is to them - and just what they are willing to do to ensure that they can stay!
I have truly loved this entire series so far (6 books at this point!), and each of the five kids have a wonderful, distinct personality that shines through all of the capers that they will face! They also seem so very endearing - and they gather an entire neighborhood around them, willing to be included in some of their plans as well!
- Katrina
Check out The Vanderbeekers of 141st Street by Karina Yan Glaser @ the library!